Power Green Tonics, Spritzers & Juices
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Green Lemonade
32 oz water
2-3 scoops
Roots Power Greens
1/4 cup of
ice (optional)
2 medium
lemons (juiced)
honey, or agave nectar to taste
1 pitch of
Himalayan salt
ingredients to a reusable BPA free bottle . Shake,
drink, and enjoy throughout the day.
Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender. Pore into bowl topping with fresh berries and granola (add an edible flower or 2 for extra color and fun).
Cucumber, Lime,
Mint Spritzer
2-3 limes
1 Persian
1 handful
of mint leaves
1-2 scoops
Power Greens
water (can also use seltzer water)
Blond Agave
nectar (a great low glycemic replacement for simple syrup)
Add the
limes, cucumbers, and mint and blend thoroughly. Strain the lime and blend
thoroughly. Discard the pulp. Add equal parts lime juice blend with mineral
water, Power Greens, and agave nectar to taste . Shake
or pulse 1-2 times. Pour over ice , add slice of lime
and cucumber and a sprig of mint and enjoy! Line the rim of your glass with
Himalayan salt for added taste and electrolytes. Double or triple the recipe to
make pitcher to store in the fridge for an all day super hydrating refreshment.
Blend all ingredients in a high speed blender. Pour into bowl topping with chocolate chips, chia seed, and granola (add coconut shavings for a little flair).
Frozen Green and
The spin on gin and tonic takes some prep time!
1 liter of
tonic water (pour onto ice cubes and freezer overnight.
8 ounces
green juice water (1-2 scoops of Power Greens in 8 oz water blended well)
Zest of 1
Agave Nectar to taste
(Add a few
leaves of fresh basil for added flavor.)
Add all the
ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth and frothy. Divide over 4
chilled glasses. Garnish with a slice of lime.